

The honorable and our beloved teacher “Hujjat ul Islam wal Muslimeen Syed Jawad Naqvi” has done the interpretation of Quran in Urdu language in his particular, unique, literary, and charmingly articulate style of explaining.
His lectures and message not only addresses and provides the solutions to the challenges and problems of the current era, but also opens up avenues for the young generation of this age by showing them the best principles and guidelines to salvage themselves and to get themselves out of the quagmire of problems of their lives.

In this course following Articles will be covered.

i) Why is the need of Tafseer or Interpretation of QURAN?

ii) Tafseer of QURAN by greatest Interpreter of Quran “Agha Taba Tabayee” in the preface of the 1st edition of his book “Tafseer ul Meezan”.

iii) The best way of understanding and interpreting QURAN through the way of Quran.

iv) Quran is “Tibyan” itself and it describes everything clearly !!! How?

v) What are meanings of QURANIC words, and what do we interpret-ate from them and why.

vi) What are different approaches and angles from Numerous Scholars to interpreted Quran?

vii) The guidance principles of Quran in simple and easy way to understand but in a very profound and in-depth manner

and Lot more……….